Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Life is Still Wonderful!

I'm kind of a perfectionist, so heading out on a trip when I have some unsolved issues would have been unthinkable a few years ago.  My new motto, courtesy of Annette Funicello, is Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful.

In addition to other unsolved mysteries, the tooth -- the fricking Chiclet that was made for me in Mexico last year when my tooth broke on a baguette at Bally Hoo -- started hurting over the weekend.  When I got home from Mexico last December, the new crown was so sensitive, I couldn't even ride a bike because when the wind hit it -- oh my!  An endodontist did a root canal on it in February and it was mostly good up until the last few months when I started having some dental work on surrounding teeth.  Last week my dentist tried to adjust my bite again in an effort to relieve the new sensitivity and that was IT.  By this weekend, I was popping ibuprofen all day long.   I had another doctor's appointments yesterday, so I knew it was too late to even get an appointment to be seen by the endodontist, much less have him do another procedure.  

So what the hell heck!  A light bulb came on last night when we were in Target picking up last minute items for our trip.  A friend told me last year in January when the tooth was so sensitive that she'd used Ambesol for over a year on her front teeth after she'd had veneers put on.

So I'm headed to the airport with a tube of OraGel today that I will protect with my life.  God help the TSA if they try to confiscate it!  This low  tech remedy should keep me from overdosing on ibuprofen and other blood-thinning anti-inflammatory meds that I should be avoiding since I have an appointment for blood work the day after we get back to determine if I have a clotting disorder.  And that's a whole 'nother story!

Life is not perfect right now, but by God, I AM going and I WILL have a wonderful time!  : )

We'll be arriving well after dark, but this is an Isla skyline from a long time ago.  Notice there are no buildings in view higher than the palms.

I'll be in touch!


  1. Oh no Becky! If it gets worse you may think about an antibiotic. Hope that it turns out OK. Have a great time!! Where are you staying this visit?....Oh yea, as above!!??!!

  2. Thanks, I needed that bit of wisdom!

  3. I know ou will relax after you step off the ferry! Enjoy your trip--hope you run into Sandia--she arrived today for a week!

  4. The island features several painkillers, most are served with tiny umbrellas in them.

    If the orajel doesn't hold up, there is also dentistry: Gringa1 recommends Dr Omar Garcia at


    While several others recommend:
    Dr. Rodrigo Tello Peon
    Robalo 18B (off Bonampak-use second entrance onto Robalo)
    Tel: (998) 884 1743
    E-mail: Peygon@prodigy.net.mx

  5. drgeo, just saw this. Dr. Omar Garcia is the dentist who did my crown, so I wouldn't recommend him. I have a feeling it will soon be removed and redone.
