Saturday, November 10, 2012

Favorite Beach Shots

We're booking, washing, packing, shopping -- all in a whirlwind countdown to our next beach trip.  It's chilly here in Phoenix today, so it warms me to look at past beach photos from Isla Mujeres!


  1. The season is upon us! This time we're creating a new adventure for ourselves. We're driving from Idaho to Huatlco! I makes me long for the footloose days of the 60's especially when wading through the red tape of visas and border crossing auto permits and incountry insurance etc etc ad infitum, ad nauseum.
    A good many of our compatriots make the trip annually from points even farther north and east of us so we have a good deal of intel and route charting and suggestions to draw from, plus, we're in absolutely NO HURRY.
    Love your photography, your eye for subject and composition.
    here are a few of my favorite "things"..ooops! I guess I don't know how to attach photos to blog comments.

  2. I'm ready to start my countdown now, but still have over 2 months to go--guess I'll have to live vicariously through all that are going in the next month or so! Have fun!

  3. Jim, have a safe trip! Hualtulco's on our short list, if only the airfare's would come down just a little.

    Ann, we're halfway packed! I'm looking foward to a return to sand and water! I stuck a toe in our pool the other day and I'd estimate it was in the 50's. Felt like a mountain lake in the Northwest!

  4. Lovely inviting photos...that does make the waiting hard, esp here in the North where a cold spell is moving in. Have a good trip!
    I'm at least a month away...
    Enjoy the beach & everything else! -k

  5. Half packed? How many swim suits and flip flops can a girl own? And I guess Saby also needs to pack her favorite blankie and stuffed bear to visit the doggie hotel. Will you carry an empty case to fill with sea glass? If you need more suitcase room, Craig could just stuff his speedo in his pocket.

  6. I needed those gorgeous pictures! 4 days for me till Paradise. Can't wait - hopefully Tarzan will have the 40 Peso sign up when I get there. I can already feel the sand between the toes. Helen
