Monday, August 13, 2012

The Morning Routine

We're falling into a pattern here at our little summer camp.  We wake up with the sunrise to throw open all the doors and windows to cool off the house.

Once Saby's had her walk, we take a long tramp up and down the narrow streets and steps, wandering through the hills around the town.  We see the most amazing things on our morning walks.  The entire town is filled with art, whether in the form of wall murals and graffiti, mosaics, sculptures, art galleries, etc. . . .  

Here are some photos I took in one short alleyway in the downtown area this morning.

Pinch me because I'm not sure I'm still in Arizona!

After our morning walk, we stopped by the local coffee shop and purchased a chocolate croissant to split.  Next time I buy one of those, I'm not sharing!


  1. This town looks so interesting--I'm putting it on my list of places I want to go!

  2. Ann, I found a Huffington Post article that tells a lot about what makes Bisbee unique. I'll include the link in one of my next posts.

  3. So cool. You really know how to search out the unique photo ops. I'll just go back to my cubicle with the blank wall tomorrow :-(
