Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Seeing Red

Just some red photos from our morning walks around town.  We're eagerly awaiting the return of the monsoon later today that's supposed to bring thunderstorms and cooler temps.  Weather.com predicts this event will take place at 1:45 p.m., but I'm not opening the umbrella until I hear rain on the tin roof!

Red's a natural in Bisbee since a lot of the old historic buildings are red brick.

The oldest still-operating bar in Arizona.


  1. Thanks Ann! It's 1:28 p.m. and we have a little thunderstorm. I should have bet Craig a chocolate croissant!

  2. How do you know St Elmo's is the oldest bar in Arizona until you inspect each one?

  3. Believe me, I'm not inspecting any of them down in Brewery Gulch. : )

  4. Hey! Welcome to Bisbee! If you need any local tips let me know. I've lived here since 2001 :).
