Thursday, August 9, 2012

Stay Cool My Friend!

And now folks, back to the A/C report.  Fixed on Monday, gone on Wednesday.   Aaargh!

How many men does it take to fix an air-conditioning unit?    When I find out, I'll let you know! 

So far we have no callback from the A/C company to set up the next appointment.   I mean, it's only 113 outside!  The beauty of having a home warranty is that we don't have to pay out of pocket for all these expensive repairs mistakes.  The flip side is that the repairman may be incompetent and take God knows how many calls/weeks to fix it.

Craig had a chance encounter today with a celebrity.  Here's a photo of the Two Most Interesting Men in the World.

A friend on his Facebook posted a very appropriate slogan.  Stay cool my friend!  I think the only way to stay cool at this point is to get out of here!


  1. Ouch! So sorry about the air conditioning! We have central air in our house--I don't like to use it if I don't have to , but Alan l;oves it! But he works all day in a place with no air, so when he comes home he jacks it up! And I put on a sweater! Hope it's fixed soon!

  2. Ann, Craig called the A/C company this morning and they weren't coming until tomorrow, so he called the warranty company back and told them it was an emergency. The woman asked why? Uhhh -- it's 117 in Phoenix and they've been trying to fix it for over a week? I can't believe they just roll people to the bottom of the list again when they don't get it fixed.

    On a brighter note, we got an email from the owner of the cottage where we're staying next week and he said he's leaving tomorrow, so feel free to come early at no extra cost. We hadn't mentioned any of the A/C woes, so he must be clairvoyant! And amazingly nice. How many times does that happen! So we're out of here tomorrow!

  3. Sorry it reached 117--hope nobody melted. If that keeps up you could boil lobsters in your pool! If you flee to the cottage who will let the AC repairman into your house?

  4. We have fled! The A/C repairman came yesterday. Two hours after he left, we figured out once again, it wasn't cooling properly. I turned both wings up to 92 degrees when we left today. We had three conversations with the company yesterday and could not convince them to come back in a timely manner. TO THE MOON ALICE!!! We say screw it! He'll be back in about 11 days!
