Friday, August 10, 2012

I Love Summer Camp

Craig says I have outdone myself this time.  I told you we were getting out of the Valley of the Dirt for a week.  Actually, make that eight fabulous nights in the Mule Mountains.

This sure beats my canvas tent when I went to summer camp as a child.  And this tent comes with Wi-Fi, hot showers, and rather sophisticated decor.

I called shotgun, so here's the view from MY sofa! 

Things we're loving so far -- the smell of rain hitting grass, the wind in the trees, chirping birds, the breeze flowing through the wide open doors . . . .   So peaceful!

I'm feeling so lazy, I'm not sure if the car will move this entire week.  I'll keep you posted!


  1. Looks beautiful! Crank up that fireplace! (Unless it's like a thousand degrees up there, then nevermind.)

  2. It's warmish, so we won't crank up the fireplace! But the overnight low's get down in the 60's, so it'll be good. I think we're at about 5500 feet.

  3. Looks great & a welcome change from the haboobs & monsoons!

  4. Ann, we're hoping for some spectacular lightning and rainstorms here. But no haboobs, thank God!

  5. Looking forward to photos of antiques stores, mountains, and coffee shops. No rattle snakes need apply.
