Saturday, July 7, 2012

Saturday Seven

It's an addiction called HD madness.  I can't keep my finger off the button on


  1. That gate that looks like crashing waves is my favorite!!! I always stop and gaze at it.

  2. Ewww! a 3D photo of Chimbo's toilet--might be time for an intervention!

  3. drgeo, LOL!!! I thought maybe you'd want to print and frame it! That's as close as I've ever been to Chimbo's. As I walked by, I caught a whiff of sewer gas.

    Jana, I love that gate too! Wish I could see the inside of the house.

  4. Nice! not sure what it is, but it gives a nice surrealistic look to things. I know the caretaker of the nice gate house! (will have to ask how he 'cares for' that gate!) -k

  5. Nice! not sure what it is, but it gives a nice surrealistic look to things. I know the caretaker of the nice gate house! (will have to ask how he 'cares for' that gate!) -k
