Monday, July 9, 2012

The Bahia Tortuga

In my last post, I showed a photo of the Bahia Tortuga sign.  The Bahia Tortuga's new since our last trip in December.  Located south on Medina from El Centro, it's a great place to drink, eat, listen to music, take a dip in the pool, view the sunset -- or all of the above!  (And if the mood strikes, you can even get a room!  Just sayin'.) 

We ventured there on a Friday evening in June and it was standing room only when we  arrived, but we soon found a seat at the bar -- next to friends we met on our trip last June!

Look for this sign as you're heading south on Medina.  It's just north of the Soggy Peso.

The bar's very popular with a nice mix of locals and visitors.  Check their Facebook page to see what's going on!  They often have live music, karaoke,  and other special events.  The night we were there, guest singers were jamming with the band.  I think John Cain plays there regularly now on Friday nights, but you'll want to check that info.

Views of the sunset from the Bahia Tortuga are awesome!

The two guys ordered the Philly Cheese Steak and reported it was very good!  I ordered the nachos and they were equally tasty.  Unfortunately, I demolished them before I remembered to take a photo. We returned another day at noon for hamburgers and fries with friends and the burger also gets a big thumbs up!

Love this sunset shot! 

I also love that the selection of restaurants and bars on Isla Mujeres just keeps getting better and better!  Bahia Tortuga's a great addition! 


  1. Another new place to check out!

  2. Hi Becky, it was fun wasn't it? We went back several times, enjoyed the food as well. Wonder what it would be like to stay there? We're trying to plan our March trip. Looks like June will be out for us next year because of our daughter's wedding! All your pictures have been beautiful, as usual.
