Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Road North

Speaking of bumpy roads, the uncrowded road headed north from San Pedro Town was one of our favorite places to bicycle. 

Children crossing the bridge in the morning on their way to school.

Directional sign for the totally confused.

The maitre d' at Legend's just north of the bridge.

Speed bumps usually consisted of packed mounded dirt or marine ropes strung across the already bumpy road.

The police station north of the bridge.  It sits at a fork in the road.  If you turn towards the water, the Palapa Bar is straight ahead.

Some interesting markers along the way.  The lush tropical vegetation along the road reminded me a little of Kauai.

Roadside art.

Not really!

The sign for Captain Morgan's Casino.

Ambergris Caye's divided highway.

Escapee from Minnesota!

Beach cottage where the sandy road swings out to the shoreline.

Confused lion.

Pink beach cottage.

Resort off the road north.

Catching a ride to work.

The Mata Grande Grocery store up north.

Where the sand road meets the shore.

Bird on a wire.


  1. Ahh..the bridge heading north is complete! We had to use a wooden board ferry and pulley to get across...

  2. hmm.........must have been awhile since you were there.

  3. Since I'm a newbie to Ambergris, I don't know when it was built. It's a toll bridge. The metal sheets under the walking lane on the northbound side of the bridge are rusted through in spots, so if you're walking over, take the southbound side! Bet that wooden board ferry was interesting!
