Thursday, April 5, 2012

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch

I know there have been some misconceptions about where I live.  Most of the blog concentrates on our beach travels, which has led some people to believe we live on Isla Mujeres.  I wish!   Home is actually the edge of suburbia in the dusty Arizona desert.  (And that's why I'm obsessed with sand and sea!) 

Until our next beach trip in June, we'll be hanging out here at home.  The spring and fall are the best times of year in the Phoenix area with daytime highs in the 80's and 90's and overnight lows in the 50's and 60's.  These months are the icing on the cake.

Sunrise from the backyard.


Balloon man's become a part of the morning routine.  He likes to dip below rooftop and street light levels in our neighborhood.  

Bird of paradise bloom.

Is this a black-necked stilt?   We see everything from blue herons to quail, roadrunners, egrets, doves, hummingbirds, cormorants, red-winged blackbirds, coots, and all sorts of fowl I can't identify on our daily walks and bike rides in the wildlife park across the street. The park has some man made hills that give us a slightly better workout than the flats, so it's a fun place to exercise and herd jackrabbits.

Shortly before sunset, these yellow-headed blackbirds swarm the areas around the ponds in the park making an unbelievable racket. 

We took an evening ride a few nights ago and stayed for the sunset views from the hills.

Final view of the setting sun from the edge of our neighborhood!


  1. Awesome photos! Thanks for sharing them!Love the birds.

  2. Fantastic photographs. I loved them all. Hard to pick a favorite.

  3. Becky, your pictures are beautiful!! The colors just wonderful. Thanks!

  4. Yes, that is absolutely a blacked-necked stilt, and a gorgeous image it is indeed. Your blog is beautiful!
