Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Splash of San Pedro Color

One of my vacation hobbies is taking photos, so I was very happy with the bright Caribbean colors splashed all over Ambergris Caye!  It's a welcome sight from all the earth tones we see in the desert.

  Never checked out the local pawn shop, but I bet it was an interesting place.

Shop owners in San Pedro like to detail their menus and merchandise on the walls and doors. This party shop lists it all out front!

We never got around to trying the cow foot or fish ball soup.

 Love this bright green door!

These exotic birds were part of the murals on the high school wall.

Notice the little yellow handprints on this mural.  It evidently got hit during Carnaval.  A lot of walls/doors/buildings/artwork were covered with plastic tarps during the 3 or 4 days when kids ran amok celebrating by throwing paint.

Cigars anyone?


  1. So colorful--did you try some of the other stuff that's listed on the sign?

  2. Ann, we didn't try that place, but the jerk chicken and fish dishes at other restaurants were great! Much spicier than jerk chicken here in the U.S. A lot of island food was a mix of Mayan/Mexican/Creole/Caribbean/British. I didn't do a whole lot of research about which little local places had great food, so we didn't get too adventurous this trip.

  3. Those colors are intense--they seem to be creative with paint--maybe more than on Isla. Fun and quirky.
    am catching up on all your Belize posts. -k

  4. Nice collection. I look forward to getting back and adding to the collection.

  5. Kris, I think the colors were much more intense than Isla. Allan, bet you can't wait! I battled a sinus infection most of the trip, so didn't even scratch the surface in regards to taking photos.
