Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Some Beach, Somewhere, on Ambergris Caye

Our own little private beach in the deep shade under the palms.  As you can see, beaches on Ambergris Caye are different than Isla Mujeres.  As part of their conservation efforts, they don't clean out turtle grass.  Most swimming is off the end of docks.  Craig often took his snorkel and swam off the end of the dock to the clear water beyond.  I was content to beach myself on the comfy lounger in the shade and doze.

The beach right in front of AkBol Yoga Retreat up north of the bridge.  I think I already mentioned it was one of our favorite places on the beach path north of town for breakfast and lunch.

A little dog finds some afternoon shade under a palapa along the beach road.

I love the way the palms lean out along the beach path up north.  We rode our bikes for miles along the packed sand at water's edge.

Sunrise from Caye Casa's beach, our home for the first week.


 A solitary blue lounger on the beach in San Pedro.

A lone palm along the beach road in town.

A side street swings out to the Beach Road just north of San Pedro Town before the bridge.

Beach in San Pedro where vendors display their wares.  I have to add, it's a nice solution.  Most vendors camp in one place instead of constantly walking up and down.  It's very relaxing to lounge in a hammock or beach chair undisturbed for hours.


I never tire of this scene along the beach bike path north of San Pedro.  The dock with the palapa in the distance is the Palapa Bar, a great place to chill out with food and drink and meet new people.

The scene looking north on the beach path from the Palapa Bar.


  1. Lovely images of our beautiful island. Just wanted to mention that snorkeling off the end of docks should be done with MUCH caution. You may or may not have heard of a newlywed couple that was struck a boat doing just this last year. The groom had a leg amputated, and the bride was injured as well. There are new signs going in on most docks now warning against swimming or snorkeling in the boat traffic lanes off the end of the docks. It's too bad there are not more good areas to swim and snorkel safely -- this is one thing the island could improve on.

  2. Thanks Emily! We were warned at both places where we stayed. Caye Casa had a marker to stay within, and Cocotal dock doesn't get much boat traffic because the water is shallow there. AkBol yoga dock up north has a nice roped off area for swimming and snorkeling, and we also used that. Truthfully, the lack of good snorkeling and swimming beaches disappointed us, but Ambergris is beautiful!
