Friday, January 27, 2012

Roadtrip Fragments

 A friend's in town and we've been having a high old time sightseeing.  We've fired up the old red pickup and every day's a new roadshow adventure.  Before we take off this morning for another fun-filled day, here's a glimpse of yesterday's fun.


  1. Just a thought--your return from Isla caption reported you weren't sad to leave after a month because you missed home. How about photos of what you missed most?

  2. Thanks Ann!

    drgeo, I'll have to post an updated photo of Saby. She's 14 now, so really starting to age. Truthfully, if we'd stayed in our usual spot on the water, I might have wanted to stay another month! And I also needed to get ready for Christmas. But home is just home, and after a month away, I'm just ready to come back. : )

  3. Good idea for a Saby photo shoot. Perhaps her new looks for Spring? Maybe her top ten household hints? Innovations in napping? Self defense versus pack of Bumpass hounds? Saby-centered Yoga poses for seniors?
