Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Bally Hoo Sampler

I think I've mentioned it before, but Bally Hoo's one of our favorite places to eat on Isla Mujeres.  The food's great, and the views from the table are even better, so what's not to love!  Here's a sampling of Bally Hoo views and dishes.

The view from our favorite table.

Fish and Chips

Mexicana Baguette

Breakfast plate including omelet, fried potatoes, and beans.

Maya Salad with shrimp, sunflower seeds, and tomatoes.


  1. Everything looks yummy! Never eaten there--just drinks, but definitely on my list for this trip. I already have some meals planned with friends the 1st 3 or 4 days --folks that we usually see for most of our trip, but because we're going a little later, they leave soon after we get there. And meeting Jackie for the 1st time & a meal!

  2. Ann, hope you have a wonderful time! I also met Jackie this past trip for the first time. Definitely try Bally Hoo. They also have fantastic guacamole, and we love the breakfast baguettes (despite the fact that I broke that crown on the BLT with avocado).

  3. Becky, LOVE Bally Hoo. Their fish tacos YUM!! When I saw the picture of the baguette, I wondered if it was the culprit. Hope it's all working out!

  4. Omgawd!I can't believe that I have never found your blog before. It is absolutely exquisite.

  5. We are leaving for Isla in 2 weeks, and Bally Hoo is on my MUST VISIT. I simply love your posts! Can't wait to visit Isla...!!

  6. That omelet photo just convinced my husband we need to eat breakfast there. We have never had breakfast along the docks. And for those who have never been there, or to Isla for that matter, Bally Hoo is a wonderful place, no matter what meal you're having. And a great location to watch the sunset.
