Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Soggy Sunset

Yesterday was Friday, so we headed over to The Soggy Peso in late afternoon for a plate of crispy beef tacos.  In the middle of all the frivolity, Craig turned to me and demanded (yes, he's a very demanding man) that I get photos of the sunset.  Actually, I'm very glad he pointed it out because it was a beauty!


And by the way, the crispy beef tacos were not soggy -- they were delicious!  If you missed Friday at the Soggy, you now have to wait a whole 'nother week to taste that wonderful creation!

Only one more Friday for crispy beef tacos for us.  : (


  1. The tacos look delicious & so are the sunsets!

  2. That sunset is beautiful and those tacos look pretty darn good too!

  3. So love your blog, especially this month. I was on Isla last week and thought about going to track you down at your spot on the beach but decided that was too weird. I do think I saw Craig walking down the beach once. The little people rodeo post is the absolute best ever of all time Isla blog and your pictures are fantastic. Thanks for all the wonderful posts for those of us who are now enduring dreary winter back home!

  4. Can't wait to see your photo essay of the Chedraui opening .

  5. The photos are gorgeous! Especially the first one - my favorite! Those tacos look fabulous!


  6. Thanks everyone! Anon, I wish we'd met! I bet it was Craig! His pattern is to spend part of my beach time somewhere else, and then join me later. drgeo, I think I'll avoid the grand opening! Taxi drivers are already telling us about the big event with free stuff, so it'll be a ZOO! Maybe I'll station myself on the corner and film the mob. : )

  7. Thanks for sharing! I'm loving your blog. Do you have Facebook fan page?
