Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Really Big Show!

It all started when Craig and I noticed these posters cropping up all over the island on utility poles.  Los Enanitos Toreros de Mexico.  Before long, a large group of us had plans to meet at the Plaza de Toros on Tuesday afternoon to see the bullfighters of small stature.  After all, how many times would we have the opportunity to view an event like that! 

We decided we'd better go early to get the best seats in the house.  If the event started at 3:30, we'd all meet around 3:00 p.m.  Tee hee. Seriously, what were we thinking!

While waiting in La Gloria to catch a cab to Plaza de Toros, this man came barreling down the road on his horse headed north.  Little did we know he was galloping into El Centro for a parade that probably started at 3:30 p.m.

After arriving at the bullring south of Villa la Bella on the Caribe side, we soon figured out the bullfight would not be starting anytime soon.  Tickets weren't being sold yet! 

Sometime around 4:00 p.m., the van with Los Enanitos Toreros arrived. 

Next came the bulls of small stature.  Meanwhile, we were still sitting at tables drinking Sol and Coca Cola, waiting to buy tickets.

A few cans of beer almost always call for a trip to the bano.  Hmmmmm.  Note to self:  Check for banos before consuming copious cans of beer! 

Finally somewhere around 5:00 p.m., the stands started to fill with people from all over the island, including quite a few we knew!  Hi Tiff!

Vendors traipsed the rickety corrugated metal stands peddling everything from nuts to popcorn.  Here's a rack with donuts. (Okay, that was bad!)

The comic matadors waited outside, posing for photos with fans.

Sunset came and went while we waited.  Brrrrrr.  I could have used a stadium blanket!

Fans continued to file past us into the stands, many dressed in cowboy hats and warm sweaters.

We bought more snacks and waited.  Even cotton candy man was making the rounds!

Craig and I disagree on the time the event finally started, but it was post sunset.  Finally, men on horseback, including the mayors of Cancun and Isla Mujeres, rode into the ring and circled.  As always, political speeches ensued and went on for quite awhile.  Love the lone female's getup!

As always, we got the rear view.  Finally, almost three hours after the time on the posters, the main act, Los Enanitos de Toreros, entered the ring.  Here's a short film clip that sums it all up!

We didn't stay for the entire show because frankly, we had to pee!  But we did out last, out survive  all our friends!

A weird time was had by all!


  1. That was one strange looking event...
    Your photos made the admission worth it at least :-)
    I could see where kids might like it!

  2. Thanks for sharing! Another unique event on Isla!

  3. Pretty much sums it up beautifully! BTW...the horses came out at 5:30, the "little people" at 6:15. I checked my watch for future reference, should we decide to return again! Oh, and for your comfort, bathrooms were being constructed as we sat in the bullring...not quite finished for the first act...they consisted, I was told, of cement blocks surrounding a hole in the went into the cement block temporary structure, did you business, exited. I did not see this myself, but was told by someone yesterday!!! LOVE your Blog, Becky!

  4. This is a wonderful picture story book -- but no portapots? -- hee hee, that's Isla!

  5. You captured the spirit of it all so well! Thanks Beck!

  6. Too funny!!! I'm glad swords were not involved!!!


  7. Hey, I love donuts on a rack!

  8. That is insanely awesome. I love the costumes and your 'rack of donuts' comment. LOL Only on Isla! We had a fun experience once on the island when we were invited to attend the 'Miss Pearl of the Caribbean Beauty Pageant', which was a drag queen event. FUN!!!! It started after midnight, but was supposed to start at 9:00 or 10:00. Mexican time...

  9. We saw the dark haired bullfighter and Mini Ana Barbara walking down Playa Norte today in their walking clothes. No pictures because that would have been entirely rude when they weren't in costume. We did say hola!

  10. So funny. What a great night of entertainment on the island! The lack of a bano would of done me in. NO holes in the ground for me!

  11. Janet, I have an iron bladder. Out live, out last! HA!
