Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sea Glass-es

In answer to the question Did you find any seaglass?, this is as close as I came to seaglass on this Florida trip. A pair of sea glass-es! They even had barnacles encrusted on them.

I'm always happy if sand surprises me with those little pieces of tumbled glass, but I wasn't disappointed because I'd researched online and found out this area of Florida was seaglass challenged. The beach was pristine with no trash and glass -- not even a broken beer bottle!

Now I can't wait to get back to my favorite little island in 41 days and resume that stooped position! : )


  1. Leave some for me for January! I have never found much of any seaglass on any of the east coast beaches I've gone to!

  2. I look for pirate treasure only!

  3. Ann, we scoured southern California beaches and found about 4 little pieces. I never realized until I went on some of the seaglass websites that Isla was known for it. On our last trip, we found very little in El Centro below the malecon, so I think more and more people are hunting now.

    AJ, I saw a lot of men in Florida with metal detectors looking for pirate booty on the beach!

  4. So upon return to Isla you wish to "resume that stooped position"? What about your mom's warning that if you make a funny face it might just freeze there? Or does that only apply to faces?

  5. drgeo, there is a real danger that I could become stuck in that stooped position. Hopefully, if that happens, I'll be able to find a chiropractor (or buy a vat of Soma at the pharmacia)!

  6. I haven't found sea glass at any other beaches that I've ever been to. Isla is unique in that dept. I liked your seaglasses, tho!
