Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Blame It on Jennifer Lopez

Remember the one attraction I wanted to make sure I saw in the Sarasota area while we were there? As my dad used to say, we were a day late and a dollar short in our quest to visit the Ringling mansion, Ca'd'Zan, last week.

We made the drive into Sarasota on Tuesday morning only to find out the mansion was closed because a Jennifer Lopez movie was being filmed there. We could have paid the hefty admission and still viewed the circus and art museums, but declined since all we really wanted to see was the mansion. Aargh aargh aargh. Click on the Ringling mansion link above and that will take you to a beautiful little video on YouTube.

Here's another link to the mansion online. I did snap a couple of photos at the entrance to the Visitor's Center on the way out the door!

Taking time away from the beach only to be turned away at the entrance was a major bummer, but at least we took the scenic route on the way through Longboat and Lido Keys and massaged our angst on the way back to the island with crabcakes and clam strips at our favorite dockside restaurant.


  1. Now you have a reason to go back!

  2. When you were in Sarasota, did you get a chance to go to Siesta Key beach? It is one of my favorite beaches in the world, along with Playa Norte of course!

  3. Ann, I wish! Janet, I actually looked into spending the last 4 nights down on Siesta Key, but the lodging options weren't as affordable when it came to oceanfront. If I'd had my wits about me, we would have gone straight to Siesta Key after discovering we couldn't see the Ringling mansion. Maybe next trip!
