Saturday, October 22, 2011

Rustic Garden Room

In Sedona this week, we visited one of our favorite shops while we were waiting to check into our hotel. The shop meanders forever, and back in a little corner, they have the most amazing rustic greenhouse room filled with succulents and cacti in interesting little pots. I wish I had a room like this in my house!

I have a collection of interesting antique art pottery packed away in boxes in my closets. Maybe it's time to pull those out and put them to use instead of keeping them pristine and hidden? They'll probably go for pennies at some estate sale if I ever decide to clean out (or God forbid croak), so I might as well enjoy them now!

Hopefully, I'll have an update to this post one of these days. It's on my list!


  1. Cool plants & planters! never had much luck with succulents up here....

  2. Ann, succulents do really well here in the desert. I keep having to divide the plants outside and replant the babies. I had one planter in the house that didn't do all that great because it got overwatered. I'll have to make sure any pots I use have holes in the bottom and a nice sunny spot!
