Thursday, October 20, 2011

Beach or Desert?

As always, yesterday we arrived too early to check into our hotel in Sedona, so we decided to waste (that probably would be Craig's choice of verb?) some time in one of the local shopping areas. Just when I thought I'd switched gears from beach to desert high country, one of the first shops I passed had beads and shells on display. Two of my favorite things!

I couldn't leave without making a small purchase, so I decided on a Mexican sand dollar and some blue and white fish beads.

Later, back in the room, we sat on our balcony and took in the Red Rock views. These photos were taken right at dusk. That last one looks like a watercolor!

Hiking and touring are on today's agenda. (And maybe I'll waste some more time shopping?)


  1. Dear Vacation Goddess,
    I enjoyed your shell and bead photos.
    Your jealous friend,

  2. Gorgeous photos! I've always wanted to go to Sedona. I have friends who live in Scottsdale (they went to Bucerias with me) and they've invited Pat and I out to visit - would be a great time.


  3. Jana, my son, Million Point Mike, gave me two nights at the Hilton in Sedona for my birthday. I have to tell you, and you'll understand, I almost wet my pants when I saw those beads and shells together in those baskets! LOL

    Jeanne, Sedona really is unique. The rock formations are beautiful and they go on forever. The shopping's also incredible, but unfortunately, very pricey! I'm a window shopper!
