Saturday, June 25, 2011

Photos From Heaven

Our days on Isla are quickly winding down, so when we awoke to blue skies this morning instead of the predicted rain, we threw on the swimsuits and headed to Playa Norte. Here are some photos from Heaven!

Our timing was impeccable! We managed to get another beach day in by noon. Shortly after we got back to our home away from home and took a dip in the pool, the skies opened up and dumped buckets. It's all good since we love rain!


  1. It was a great rain! Power flickered, but why not. Great sleeping! When are you leaving? Hope to see you at Chuuk Kay today!

  2. It was a scorcher in the morning! I made 7 trips up & down the stairs for various reasons before we left...was drenched!

  3. It was great finally meeting you two! Wasn't Basto's food awesome? Back to reality....sigh...Sandia
