Sunday, June 26, 2011

Friday = Crispy Beef Tacos

A friend just happened to mention this past week that on Friday's, the Soggy Peso has the best Crispy Beef Tacos. Why didn't I know that? Craig and I marked it on our calendars and anticipated the event for days. By Friday afternoon, we were dying for those ground beef tacos. I'm not sure why, but after being on Isla for a couple of weeks, I was crazy for something that tasted like home!

The cab dropped us off around 2 p.m. and sure enough, there was a sign out front that said Crispy Beef Tacos! After taking a quick look around and deciding on the coolest spot (it was mucho calor!), we ordered drinks and our crispy tacos.

The Soggy Peso's palapa perches right above a sand beach next to a marina on the bayside.

The palapa bar is decorated with assorted signs and hats left by the regulars -- sort of Jimmy Buffet/Key West style.

I quickly consumed my plate of crispy beef tacos and they were the best I've tasted in a long while!

I really wanted to order more, but some nice people from Oregon soon distracted me and saved me from gluttony. More of the gang arrived and we spent a few more hours at the bar.

We leave for home on Tuesday, but I have a feeling we'll be eating Crispy Beef Tacos every Friday afternoon for a month in November/December!


  1. They sound great! Will have to try in January. Safe flight home....

  2. Hope you had a good trip home Ann! I was so glad we weren't leaving today because the water really is rough! Haven't seen a boat at our location all day.

  3. Will you try to cram so much into your last day that you forget to laugh about such a silly attempt?

  4. drgeo, I awoke to loud thunder this morning and the street out front is flooded. Maybe today's activity will consist of sitting on the front porch watching people on motos and golfcarts getting drenched? I looked at the radar map and there's still this bright orange/red stuff on top of us!
