Friday, April 15, 2011

Run to the Border?

Craig and I decided to seize his newfound freedom on Wednesday and head out on the highway. After loading up the truck, we sped south down I-10 toward the border.

Somewhere along the route, Craig pointed off to the west at the jetliner graveyard. I'd never noticed it before! This area of the desert is being used as a airline parking lot.

South of Tucson, we turned onto 19 South and put the pedal to the metal.

Almost there!

We slowed down for the border checkpoint.

Were we south of the border?

Nope. I'm just messing with you!

Destination Tubac, AZ. I guess you could say it's close, but no cigar!

I'll be posting more photos in the days to come. We're off on a quest, now that Craig has the time, to rediscover what originally drew us to Arizona! Tubac's the first stop. Stay tuned!


  1. I drove down to Tubac too, from Tucson. I think it was 1997, they had a snowstorm while I was there, so I headed south to Tubac in search of luminaries. Later I headed north to Flagstaff, one of the scariest driving experiences in my life. Have fun exploring!

  2. I remember seeing that airplane graveyard/parking lot...eerie.
    My aunt & uncle live in Tucson, in what I'd say is a 'gated' community.
    I'm sure the area has better to offer than what I saw...

  3. Can't wait to see more of your adventures!

  4. So you went to visit Tupac, eh? Didn't know you were such a fan of rap music! Get down with your bad self! Send my regards to Biggie, Smalls, and Snoop.

  5. Love the pics. You should go to the border. Get your passport and go! I did it twice...didn't have a single problem and loved it. You only live once!

  6. Your blog is amazing! But I cannot become your follower for some reason. I would like to read all your posts! Nice! :)

  7. Thanks everyone!

    Sue, that interstate to Flagstaff is a nightmare if there's snow. It's bad enough when it's dry! Kris, I've only been to antique stores in Tucson. It's a beautiful setting with the mountains surrounding the town. drgeo, LOL! Tubac wouldn't be Tupac's people. Ann, can't wait for the big adventure on Isla!

    Deb, I don't know why, but I have little desire to cross the border into Sonora. We originally thought about checking out Guaymas on the Sea of Cortez, but I'd rather just hop a flight to Isla. But I love your posts! My aunt and I used to cross the border to Progresso when we went to South Padre.

    Guiseppe, I'm glad you found my blog!

  8. Love the story and the pictures i would love to visit the good old usa.What a fascinating place and people.
    Lingerie Of Desire
