Thursday, April 14, 2011

In Your Easter Bonnet

Guess everyone's getting in on the Easter Parade this year! Here's one of many sights from yesterday's roadtrip.


  1. YIKES!!! The Day of the Dead does Easter!!! =:-o

    Snorkel Goddess

  2. Where the heck would you put one of those? I do like that big blue fuzzy hat with the lace though. It would look great on me.

  3. Linda, I'm glad you have claimed your rightful title of Snorkel Goddess! I just noticed that! Jeanie, I didn't see any prices on them, so I wondered if they were just an Easter display. Where would you store the things after Easter?!!!

  4. These are wonderful! They sort of remind me of blown-out egg heads my dad and I used to decorate before Easter. Ours wore broad-brimmed hats too, and the faces were (supposed to look) pretty, like my mother, whose lipstick we used to make rosy cheeks.

  5. Don't know how I missed this post on Thurs. Great shots--one of those that you say--what were they thinking?
