Thursday, January 13, 2011

Oh Happy Day!

One more day before we hop on the flight to Isla Mujeres! I've decided the thirteenth must be a lucky day for me. When I got home this afternoon after coffee with friends, I found two offers for work projects in my email box. Instead of getting up at 5 a.m. to walk the dog, get dressed, and drive the 30 minute commute to the job site, I'll be working from home on the big project that starts in March. There was also an offer for a short project in February, so that's just icing on the cake. I'm actually looking forward to that pesky seasonal job this year!

Here's a slideshow from our July trip to whet your appetite for Isla. I'll try to post a little from the island if I have a decent WiFi connection. See ya later!


  1. Muy bueno!!! If I didn't like you so much, I'd be pea green with envy. And, I'll be there shortly, too. Wish we were overlapping a couple of days at least. Have a blast, looking forward to updates. Quit talking about cake and icing. ;)

  2. Wonderful! Where were those pastries that look like slices of watermelon from? Look yummy!

  3. Jana, we'll miss seeing each other this time, but I'm thinking about another summer trip. Meeting up again would be like the icing on the red velvet cake, or the whipped cream on the chocolate fudge sundae! (I'm so bad.)

    Ann, the cookies were actually from the supermercado! I was shocked. Bought one and it was good -- like a shortbread sugar cookie!

  4. WHAT a wonderful slide show! Have a GREAT time, Becky! Looking forward to seeing and hearing all about this trip!

  5. Beautiful! Have fun - I look forward to your updates!


  6. Loved the slideshow! The colors are so vibrant and you have such a great eye. And you have more nerve than I do to take pictures of some scenes. Have a wonderful trip. I wish we could all be there at the same time some day!
