Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Closing the Book on Yelapa

It's really time for me to close the book on our December trip so I can get the bag packed for Isla! Here are a few more strays from Yelapa. I apologize if any of these have already been posted. I'm dizzy trying to keep track of 1000 photos.

Early morning from the living room.

Beach buzzards.

We nicknamed this guy Pay (Pie) Dog. Whenever we passed with pie, he was extremely persistent. If we were empty-handed, he was inert.

Yelapa roof cat.

Yelapa rush hour.

The equivalent of the malatero's trike in Yelapa.

Got crabs?

Yelapa clothesline.

Butterflies are free.

Love this plant!

Open door policy.

A photo of Huichol Indians.

Love the sign for Junior's Restaurant.

More pots.

Restaurant mural.

Vultures and more.


  1. I enjoy your blog so much..your pics are just amazing! Thanks!

  2. I am completely enchanted by your photos of Yelapa, and I agree with Ann, you have such a great eye!

  3. Thanks everyone! Now I'm off to run errands trying to get ready to leave. Two more sleeps!
