Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Still on the Bucket List!

Craig had better retire sooner rather than later, or neither of us will be healthy enough to handle the altitude involved in this destination. After seeing Anthony Bourdain's Peru, Machu Picchu is still at the top of my Bucket List. But it'll take a lot of coca leaves to get us up the mountain, even if there is a luxury train! (And I'm so glad I discovered that fact!)

If you get the chance, watch the entire episode on the Travel Channel. I know the clip's long. If nothing else, watch the last minute and a half of this for his revelation as to how he feels about his place in the world after seeing Machu Picchu. The clip here is a little distorted, but still worth viewing.

At one point in the episode in a remote village in Peru, one of the locals asks Bourdain when he will be back. That reminds me of the many times on Isla when I've been eagerly asked by locals when I will be back. I'm not sure whether that signals that they like you, or just that they are hungry for the faithful tourists to return, but it's a good feeling for a traveler.

I also watched Bourdain in Greece the other day and almost fell off the sofa laughing. It was the snarky Tony, eating lamb and drinking homemade rot gut with sheepherders while he watches the boys dance and shoot off their guns. Good stuff! I wish that the Travel Channel was all Anthony Bourdain -- all the time! LOL!


  1. Bourdain is great. Our daughter loves Machu Pichu and is going back one day. She is in Prague right now and is in love with that city now too.

  2. I love Anthony Bordain. Probably more than I should. I just finished his book 'Kitchen Confidential' and enjoyed it. LOVE his show.

  3. That's a place where I've wanted to go, too. I have a friend that went there--walked the Inca Trailto get there--a few years ago & after seeing her photos & talking to her about it, it made me want tp gp more!

  4. My cousin who is 46 just did this climb in May '10. She is in pretty good shape and said it kicked her @ss but it was worth every ache and pain.

  5. We'll definitely take the train and not hike the Inca trail! Jana, I'll have to get his book. Craig thinks it should be the first place we go after he retires. I agree!

  6. Another view of Machu Pichu via You Tube:

  7. Here's a slideshow of MP photos:

    If my bucket list gets too old, perky Samantha Brown on the Travel Channel says there is a small hotel at the end of the train ride. She paid an arm & leg for the hotel room, then awoke next morning to find herself completely fogged in! Machu Pichu was just outside her window--but so was a cloud!

  8. drgeo, I think that place is about $800 a night! Fortunately, Samantha didn't have to pick up the tab! There are other more reasonable hotels down the valley aways and buses then transport you up in the morning. A friend from Isla went years ago and says he wants to go back one more time.
