Thursday, October 14, 2010

Not a Rainy Day, But . . .

I had to stay at home today -- all day! I rarely do that.

Last night we got stuck in Fry's Supermarket parking lot for over an hour trying to get Craig's Honda Pilot started. The key would not turn in the ignition to start the car. We tried everything! I've had the same thing happen with my VW and with the Subaru I had before that, but I was always able to start it when I changed the position of the wheel. Last night, the Pilot's wheel was locked and wouldn't budge. I looked it up in the manual and it has something to do with the anti-theft system.

So we finally called the emergency roadside assistance number on our insurance card and got the recording that told us it would be a 45 minute wait for the tow truck. We were 5 miles from home and I wanted to BE home, so I called a taxi for me. And guess what. That would be a 45 minute wait. Forget it!

About 10 minutes later, Craig was exhibiting his frustration by trying to rock the car back and forth in cave man mode from the outside. I decided to try it one more time and finally -- it started! And the tow truck driver showed up at the same time. On the way home, we agreed it was just a freaky positioning of the wheel, but we'd make an appointment for Saturday at the dealership to have it checked.

Guess what? Craig comes back in this morning and says, "My car won't start!" I spewed forth a line of profanity that would make truck driver history. So we went through the entire routine once again for about 15 minutes and that was it. To the moon Alice! I reminded him that he could be doing this again in a hot parking lot at 5:30 p.m. up in Scottsdale, and we once again called the tow truck. 45 minute wait. I took Saby for her morning walk and the tow truck was here 15 minutes later. How come that doesn't happen when you're standing in the Walmart parking lot with your keys locked inside the car in 115 degree heat?

So, Craig took off for work in my VW Bug looking rather silly (nothing like a tall man in a VW Bug convertible), and I've been at home all day contemplating the problems of the world.

For example, do you think I'll end up as one of those old people in a house loaded with so many old coffee cans and junk, I can't make my way to the front door?

Should I have bought this hat when I saw it at the antique mall? I could have set a new fashion trend on Isla when the next tropical depression came through. Who needs a trash bag when you've got the parasol hat? I bet the person with that patent must have made a fortune!

Why do men revert to cave man behavior when they're under duress?

About three hours ago, I noticed Saby had been in the same spot forever. I thought OMG! She can't be! As I wandered her way to check it out, she lifted up her head and stared. I guess she was just thinking deep thoughts too!


  1. Did you take a picture of Craig driving off in your car?? :)

  2. I was at home yesterday with a migraine. Not contemplating much, tho. I love your coffee and scales pic. I have an antique scale, too, in my kitchen on top of the cabinets! I'll post a pic on your fb wall of it. Funny!

  3. MD, he was too fast! I think he was afraid I'd chase him down and get my car back. Jana, sorry about the migraine. I've got a lot of stuff like that on top my kitchen cabinets. The coffee cans and white enamelware have become some sort of weird obsession. I keep telling myself we want to retire someplace far away where I can't take this stuff, but then I buy more?
