Friday, October 8, 2010

More Soup!

I spotted a recipe for Chicken Pot Pie Soup in a magazine I read on the plane and thought it looked fantastic. Unfortunately, I didn't take the time to write it down, but decided last night that it'd make a great meal since Michael's here. I remembered the basics from the magazine, but altered some of the ingredients and the amounts. For example, I think the original recipe called for leeks and parsnips, but I didn't want to be bothered with getting all the sand out of leeks, and Walmart didn't carry parsnips (go figure). Anyway, the family loved it!

Unfortunately, the soup didn't love Michael. He had an allergic reaction to it. Fortunately, there was plenty of Benadryl in the cabinet. It was so good, I can't wait to fix it again. Michael leaves on Sunday, so guess what's on the menu Sunday night! : )

Chicken Pot Pie Soup

2 or 3 T. butter

1/2 chopped onion

4 medium carrots, sliced

3 potatoes diced

2 stalks celery, sliced

1/4 cup flour

6 c. chicken broth (I actually used 4 cans)

1/2 rotisserie chicken in torn pieces

1/2 t. sea salt or to taste

1/2 t. ground pepper or to taste

2 t. ground Italian herb seasoning (comes in McCormick grinder)

1/4 lb. fresh or frozen green beans

Melt butter in soup pot. Add chopped onion, carrots, celery, and potatoes. Saute about 5 minutes. Add flour and cook for another minute. Stir in cans of chicken broth. Add torn chicken and seasonings. Add green beans last so they don't overcook. Simmer approximately 1/2 hour until veggies are tender and flavors are melded.

Serve with your choice of rolls. The original recipe suggested frozen puff pastry, but I used croissants.


  1. Recipe sounds great! Keep us posted on whether Michael lives, and maybe we will try it too. Maybe he is allergic to ingredients from Walmart?

  2. drgeo, laughing my @$$ off! Michael at one point had anaphylactic reactions to food and needed epi pens to survive. Fortunately, now he just gets a bad runny nose and scratchy throat. We think it was probably the sauteed onions and celery. He refuses to try my favorite sopa de lima because of the onions and peppers.

  3. Sounds yummy! Will add to my recipe file!

  4. Copied and pasted into my electronic recipe book. The croissant got me. Looks yummy and something I can easily make here. Thanks!

  5. Unseasonably cool in Honduras. Liking all the soup recipes I can find. Plan on viewing one on my site soon for traditional Carne de Res Soup. Beef soup. Bones, Yucca, camote, green plantains. Delicious!

  6. Looks good! (poor Michael)You know I love anything made with a rotisserie chicken and/or a crock pot. I'm easy like that.
