Saturday, October 9, 2010

How'd I Miss This?

Looks like the contestants eliminated from this season's Amazing Race were put up in a house on Isla Mujeres? I actually thought people were just sent on their merry way. This video makes elimination look pretty swanky! Does anyone recognize the lodging? Maybe Los Suenos?

This makes me want to hop a plane and get down there! I'm not sure if I can wait until next June.


  1. Bummer! It has been blocked in my country on copyright grounds.

  2. The Isla Q&A board says they were staying at Casa de los Suenos. But they also surmise that because the rooms are vacant now, the racers aren't on Isla anymore. Pretaping messes with reality!

  3. Dr. George, I knew they had to be long gone since everything is taped far in advance. I missed all that on the Isla board. Wouldn't be bad being held prisoner at Casa de los Suenos!

    Jeanie, you can't get Amazing Race? When we used to vacation in Whistler, B.C., they carried all the U.S. networks. It's frustrating to me that I can't watch any current U.S. shows online when I'm in Mexico. I've heard there's a way around it. I need to find out what that is before our November trip to the P.V. area. (Not that I'm a television junky or anything.)

  4. LOL Beck, I get all the US channels. What I can't get is the clip you just posted of the house on Isla which I always find odd. It is the World Wide Web after all. I did go to the website for that house when there was a link posted on Isla Q&A looked mighty fine. You can rent all or part of that house. I thought it was quite reasonable if you had a big gang. Total luxury.

  5. Jeanie,I thought it was just because I was in Mexico! Now they're screwing Canadians too! (Actually, I'm betting it applies to anyplace outside the U.S.) Damn them!

  6. Beck, I think it has always been that way. I have run into that many times over the years. It always surprises me. I thought I could go anywhere on the internet. I have been denied for quite a few sites but mostly it's about a link like the one you posted today.
