Friday, October 22, 2010

A Happy 5?!

Last night, Craig and I decided to kick up our heels with a birthday dinner at our favorite pizza joint -- Oregano's in old downtown Gilbert. No more bad juju! Life is good!


  1. That pizza looks great!!!! I have a question for you Beck. Two years ago you celebrated the double-nickel and I followed six months later. How is it that I turned 56 in May and you are just there now?

  2. Jeanie, Maybe she's shaving off a couple of months each year! I do that with my car inspection. If it expires in May, renew June 1. Buys you an entire year in 12 years! LOL.

    Beck -the pizza does look good and so do you and Craig! Happy Birthday to you!

  3. Oh shit!!! You caught me Jeanie!
    HA!!! Actually, it's a screw up! And now you're wondering if my mind is slipping? : D

  4. Nice. I like pizza places. I am hoping to catch my fav pizza joint next week in NOLA.

  5. Nice. I like pizza places. I am hoping to catch my fav pizza joint next week in NOLA.

  6. Pizza looks yummy & so does the dessert! Happy Birthday & no more bad juju!

  7. Sending you happy birthdays wishes from Michigan. Loved your "celebration" pictures. 55, 56, 57 . . . who cares -- wish I could see any of them again!!!!


  8. Thanks everyone! This is the weird thing. I've always had a problem keeping track of my age, even when I was in my 20's. It must be denial! Carol, thanks for the birthday wishes!
    Laurie, have a great time in NOLA! It's a much deserved trip! Ann, maybe I'll finally meet you on Isla in January.

  9. Happy Birthday again, Becky. Thinking of you. Looks like good pizza!
