Sunday, October 24, 2010

City Slickers Do San Tan Flat

Saturday after a morning bike ride and a few chores, Craig and I decided to once again get out of the neighborhood and do something different. Actually, we didn't wander very far. A few years ago, a friend told me about a restaurant at the base of the San Tan Mountains. She said it was a cowboy bar, but a fun place to sit on the patio and eat a burger on a nice day. Since yesterday was a beautiful day, we decided to give it a try!

Heading east from our house in the the general direction of San Tan Flat, I noticed a field of cotton. Excuse the blurry photo. Craig was hungry!

When we first arrived, we decided to sit inside because the misters were raining on the outside patio. For all you people from cooler climes, the devices mist water into hot dry air so people can sit comfortably outdoors when the temp's 100 plus degrees. Since yesterday's temp was 70's and windy, misters seemed a bit bizarre. The patio was more like the Northwest than the Southwest!

We felt a little like ducks out of water in the place. Kind of like we'd crashed the Tea Party clubhouse. I didn't want to be noticed taking photos, but there were wood signs all over the place with anti-government slogans. Upon closer inspection,I realized they were quotes from 18th and 19th century patriots and writers. But let me put it this way -- a No Liberals Allowed sign wouldn't have shocked me. HA!

Once we ordered our food at the bar, we wandered out back to the courtyard area. Basically, Craig and I and this new friend were the sole occupants so far. Oops, forgot. There was a woman with a large fake rack and her boyfriend sitting at the bar.

We switched outdoor picnic tables three times trying to find one we liked. Craig pointed out something that looked horrid underneath our first table. I won't go there. The second one's benches were too high, making us hunch over to get down to the food. Not to mention the table top was encrusted with ten years of dirt. Craig said we looked like city slickers who just couldn't get comfortable in rustic surroundings, and I felt like Goldilocks. Finally, we found a table that was juuuust right. Well, it was okay. : )

Soon my grilled chicken on ciabatti with the potato rounds arrived. Pretty good! Craig had a burger, but I forgot to get a photo of that. The potato rounds were to die for, kind of a deep fried mashed potato pancake with a crunchy crust. (Reminded me of Jewish latkes, but don't tell them that!)

The decor's definitely Western! I love this old covered wagon and luggage!

Shortly into our meal, bikers started arriving -- and I don't mean little guys in spandex shorts and tops. They came in different varieties. Most looked like city slickers who ride Harley's on the weekend, but a few had miles of tattoos, multiple piercings, and looked more of the lawless variety. Craig told me to put the camera away, but I snapped off a photo of these guys at the bar. I knew they wouldn't hurt me.

I make a game out of looking at people and trying to guess what they do, and when these three arrived, I said cops. Short trimmed hair, well built, and more clean cut than some of the other bikers. And I noticed a few of the rougher-looking riders were giving these guys a wide berth. Look closely. Their vests say Choir Boys. I googled the name when I got home and sure nuff -- Choir Boys is a law enforcement motorcycle club!

The outdoor patio was getting crowded. I'm guessing they were all meeting up for some type of ride since there were organizers taking names and money. So we decided it was time to go.

Here's one lineup of bikes in the parking lot.

The view into the outside courtyard.

Two more wagons. The place has a nice collection!

San Tan Flat really comes alive at night. They feature bands on the weekends, a dance floor, outdoor wood fires for roasting marshmallows, and a lot of partying in general. Maybe we can take some of our visiting city slicker friends out there some night for a taste of some country western.


  1. This reminded me of a cowboy restaurant Cindy's folks took us to just after Cindy and I got together. Her parents were staying with friends in Phoenix, so we drove over from San Diego so I could meet them. They took us to a place their friends had recommended, which turned out to be way out of town and very "wild west." The wait staff wore cowboy outfits, including six shooters which they fired off occasionally (my memory of that part may be exaggerated). Cindy's mom was so embarrassed--she had absolutely no tolerance for dirt and noise as part of the dining experience.


  2. News reports from Arizona indicate a mystery couple left a local restaurant and backed into a row of motorcycles, knocking them all down like dominoes. Members of the Choir Boys' Fraternal Order of Police stated there was no provocation for this wanton destruction. The only clue was a witness who saw a VW Bug with "Bad JuJu" painted on a sign replacing a broken back window.
    "The driver reminded me of Lucille Ball" remarked another bystander. The investigation continues.

  3. Winter Fire, the place was probably Rawhide. It is in North Scottsdale and has since moved to Chandler? ANywho, it is a cheesy place indeed.
    Beck, We have a similar place up here Called Greasewood flats, but it is a true cowboy car. I have actually riden a horse to it a few times. It was established in 1883(?) lots of true cowboys and girls, but the bikers sometimes come too, but not usually as it has a quarter mile dirt road that is poorly maintained on purpose. I highly suggest the chili verde burger. It was part of a ranch and the owner got tired of his hired hands riding into Phoenix for a drink and not returning for a day or 2, so he bult this place and it has been there ever since. The huge Mesquite trees are rumured to have been planted by the calvary as shade for their horses before the ranch.It is next door to Reata Pass, one of the orignaly pony express stops.

  4. Kay, I'm laughing about Cindy's mom. My mother would not have liked San Tan Flat. drgeo, I think the stuffed dog fell out the back window when I peeled out of the parking lot. HA! Chrissy, I've heard Rawhide's in Chandler, but I've never been there. I remember driving past it when it was still up north of Scottsdale. Way back in the 80's, we went on some jeep trip out into the desert north of Scottsdale and had a cowboy cookout. I didn't drink anything the entire evening because I didn't want to have to squat in the dark out there!
