Sunday, September 26, 2010

Still Young at Heart!

We found out something slightly disturbing last week. Saby still chases lizards like a puppy and likes to play with her toys, but she's been showing some geriatric symptoms that made us wonder her real age. We've also been talking about life post-retirement and wondering how Saby would affect our plans.

Saby's original human was a guy who worked in the same place as our son. Actually, his wife had found her tied to a bench outside a QFC in Redmond, Washington with no water bowl. She got Saby water and then waited hours for someone to return. She finally took the puppy, leaving a note for the owner to call her if they wanted their dog. No one ever called. Long story short, bad times followed. The couple split, Saby stayed with the guy, and then he had more bad luck. In 2006, Saby ended up at our son's apartment until the owner could return to get her. Then one day in May, Michael called in a dead panic. The manager of his apartment building had given him the ultimatum that no dogs that size were allowed and she had to be gone by the next day. Michael couldn't find the owner or anyone else who would take her, so his only alternative was the Humane Society. We hadn't had a dog in years because we weren't home much, but told Michael to bring her over.

We were Saby's safe house until her owner could return to pick her up. Bad luck continued for him and we got attached to Saby. And then we decided to move from Seattle to Phoenix. Anyway, long story short, when we adopted her 4 years ago, we were told she was 4. That was a guesstimate, probably enhanced a little to make her seem more attractive. She was crippled and could barely walk, but that was supposedly due to an accident years before. Consistent daily walks and glucosamine soon had Saby back in decent shape. When questioned again about her age, the story quickly changed to 6-years old.

Finally, last week I again asked my son to find out her real age. On the phone, he confided that he remembered an adorable Chow mix puppy being around the workplace way back in 1998 (Michael was a senior in high school then). He admitted he thought she could be as old as 13. I was astounded by that figure and said surely not! Sure enough, after contacting her former owner, he texted me later to tell me Saby's 13.

So what do you do for a 91st birthday?

We decided to celebrate with a new denim dog collar and some big chewy's.

Yesterday afternoon, Saby came running to inform me that the neighbors were holding a birthday party in her honor! She was all excited because they'd rented one of those inflatable Micky Mouse sweat lodges! (I truly have to question their sanity since it was a 108 degree afternoon? I can't imagine the temp inside that thing!) Saby was a little disappointed when I had to tell her it wasn't her party.

So, the old gal is 91! That fact makes us sad because we know her time with us is limited, but in a way, it's a relief since Craig will be retiring in a few years and our plans are to travel for extended periods of time out of the U.S.

But who knows? Maybe she'll end up being featured by Willard Scott on The Today Show. I wouldn't have guessed she was 13, so maybe she'll end up getting a tiny sombrero to go with her passport!


  1. Ah, Becky, that must have come as a shock indeed. She's such a sweet girl - hope she enjoys several more years with you guys. And vice versa.

  2. Awwwwe Beck, Thanks for sharing this with us. I knew Saby was rescued by Michael but not the whole story. Guess what?......It sounds exactly like you and Craig to fall in love with her. Happy Birthday Saby lucked out!

  3. she looks great for 91. I was shocked when the vet informed me that Gordy our 7 year old kitty is geriatric. To me he is still a baby cat considering that my 1st cat lived to 23.

  4. Good old Saby...she looks great, and hopefully she'll still have a few good years. My old dog lived to be almost 17, you just never know.

  5. Aaaaaw, gee. I love how you write about her! When I see you in December I'll tell you my story of what do I do with my birds when I move to Mexico. Saby look in really great shape, so you are an awesome dog mom!

  6. Thanks everyone. She ran around in patterns yesterday and did a little dance when it was time for her walk. We've never had a dog that lived past the age of 10. She almost pulled me over last week when we were walking past the house with the three snarling dogs along the fence, so she's still got it!

  7. Happy Birthday to Saby!!!

    Isla Chica
