Friday, September 24, 2010


The only indication here in Phoenix that fall has arrived would be the overnight low's dipping down into the 70's. Oh, and I almost forgot. We had a crispy fall day yesterday with a high at 95. Brrrrrrrrr. Drag out the boiled wool sweater!

When I get back from the early October wedding in Chicago, Craig and I should take a weekend drive to a higher elevation where we can see some fall colors and feel the chill in the air. Maybe take a hike in our fleece!

The downside of Arizona is very little change in the seasons. The upside is that we're still taking nightly swims in the pool and wearing flip flops!

No leaves on the trees!

Fall leaves reflected on Oak Creek in Sedona.

Martha in fall colors!


  1. It's been in the 90s for most of Sept. here. Fine with me - I hate cold weather. Endless summer!

  2. I love Martha LOL It's been nice here the past few days. We are die hard flip flop people in Crystal Beach. We wear them till it snows.

  3. The photo of the mallards is gorgeous!

  4. We had NO summer in San Diego until the first official day of Fall. It's supposed to be 101 degrees Monday. That's after a summer of highs in the 70's.

  5. I've loved all your recents blogs but did not comment. Just wanted you to know -thanks!

  6. I just love Martha! And what a marvelous photo of that surfboard sign. The more I read your wonderful blog, the more I want to go to Isla Mujeres!

  7. Thanks everyone! And the heat goes one. It's really a good thing that I'm headed to Chicago on Thursday because I am so sick of it. I'm not sure what I'll wear in a place with fall temps, but I just want to be cool!
