Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Salmon vs. Chicken Tamales

I just noticed a photo of The Family (close friends back in Washington State) sitting on a waterfront stoop at a home in Anacortes this weekend gazing at this view of the San Juan Islands. I don't have to tell you that it's KILLING me since it was blaring hot here.

I can just imagine the cool crisp sea air and that view as I'm sitting here scraping the dry skin from my hooves. Oh well, they may be sipping wine with their grilled salmon, but we had chicken tamales in tomatillo sauce for lunch and it was fantastic! I can rationalize that they did have on jackets and sweaters in that photo, so they were probably freezing their arses off! But I still almost cried thinking about that Northwest summer weather as I was dripping sweat on my morning bike ride round and round the circle here in desert suburbia. So I guess it's time to convince myself it's a good day here in Arizona!

After all, sometime in the next month or so, the daytime highs will drop into the 90's and then it's all icing on the cake until late next May! And there are so many other things to like about Arizona in addition to the idyllic fall, winter, and spring weather!

Just yesterday, we were in an antique mall where they ask customers to leave their guns outside. So that could be number one on my list of likes -- safe semi-automatic free zones in antique malls! Not to mention that antiques are really good around here because, after all, old people move here and die!

In addition to gun-free antique malls, there are also some bars that have bucked the new law that allows firearms in bars. If a bar has the no firearms symbol on the door, you can get drunk with no fear of armed borrachos shooting up the place! And speaking of the Wild Wild West, we also have Sheriff Joe! I mean what's not to like about an angry old coot with a bad rug who dresses prisoners in pink underwear and chases down people for DWH (driving while Hispanic). Everybody loves Sheriff Joe. I get the emails from his admirers all the time!

And then there's our governor, Jan Brewer. Ya gotta love her! The Republican governor was appointed when Janet Napolitano went to Washington, D.C. and is making national news for her 10-second brain fart heard round the world. She also spends a lot of time talking about her claims of all the headless bodies they're finding in the Arizona desert. Nothing like a bunch of headless bodies to attract business and tourism to our fine state! That gal's pretty dang smart and sure knows how to represent! I predict she will be elected again in November just because . . . she's Republican and has jumped on the far hardcore right bandwagon. She may be at a loss for words, but at least she's got her teeth! I say all that in jest, but really, I see quite a few Arizonans lacking teeth (even in my workplace)!

If you're adverse to Keith Oberman, you might want to skip the video. Sorry.

While I jest about the politics here in Arizona, there IS a lot to love about the beauty of the desert and the idyllic snow-free 70 degree days in January! I'll be feelin' the love in another month or so!


  1. Don't worry, be happy you're not living in Gainesville FL, where some crazy coots plan to burn books on 9/11.

    My plans for that day don't include counting pollos before they're hatched.

  2. Benito, it's unfortunate, but I still think she'll win the governor's race. I know I've said it before, but a trained (or untrained) monkey could get elected to office here if they're Republican, play the hate Obama card (Ben Quayle's a good example of that), support SB 1070, or any of the above. Lying evidently isn't a dealbreaker, and fearmongering is the norm.

    And Jane, it's a short distance to the beach from almost any Florida location! (And I'd bet they've burned many a book here in AZ.)

  3. Be glad you're not in South Carolina where the governor went hiking on the Appalachian Trail when he was actually in South America with his mistress.

    Or, we now have running for the US Senate, a man who has pornography charges pending against him, because he was chosen in the primary because people vote in alphabetical order.

    Or, we have a US representative who shouted at the President "You lie" during the state of the union.

    So add South Carolina to the list of states where people will elect any right-wing Republican without investigating what they actually stand for and what policies they actually propose.

  4. I guess it's dirty all over! They revealed last night on the news that a local Republican candidate for Congress had recruited a couple of homeless people from the streets of Tempe to run as Tea or Green Party candidates (can't remember which) to take votes away from the Democratic candidate. And their names will be on the ballot. They interviewed the Republican candidate and he admitted it and was proud of the strategy.
    When we lived in the Seattle area, Republicans challenged large numbers of voters within weeks of the election in targeted Democratic areas of town to keep them from voting. It was one of Karl Rove's strategies, and they got away with it.

    Remember when the U.S. was so concerned about dirty elections in various third world countries and would send monitors? That's what we have become.

  5. Here in NC, the State Bureau of Investigation is itself being investigated. Who knows how many innocent people have been convicted b/c the SBI withheld exonerating evidence or fabricated bloodstain evidence. - Great post, Beck!
