Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Money Tree!

So far it's been a great Labor Day weekend. Yesterday, we did the big antique tour through Mesa. More about that later! But I can't wait to post about our discovery today.

It started out as an ordinary day. On our way to drop off some clothing donations and return some items to Target and Home Depot, Craig twisted my arm into stopping at Joe's Farm Grill. We haven't been there in awhile because I've been trying to stay away from big juicy burgers and fries in my attempt to get back on the turnpike to Wellsville.

Craig ordered the blue cheese burger on whole wheat with fries. I tasted it and it was truly fabulous. (Or maybe I just hadn't tasted a good burger in awhile.)

I ordered the curried chicken salad with coleslaw. It tasted a lot better than it looks in this photo.

On the way out, I stopped to admire their summer flowers. Their zinnias are just beautiful! I guess zinnias must LOVE extreme heat!

I love the colors. Almost autumn-ish!

After Joe's and our errands at Target and Home Depot, we stopped at the dreaded Walmart to stock up on everything from pool shock to Blue Bunny frozen yogurt. Our first stop was the garden center to look for a cover for the outdoor grill.

As I was browsing through what few plants they had, lo and behold, I couldn't believe my eyes! It was a MONEY TREE! I know I'm always joking about how my money tree has died, but it was our lucky day. There actually IS a money tree! And go figure! They sell it at Walmart!

I could really use some spare change right now to support all my expensive habits (antiques, travel, end of summer sales, etc...). So here's my dilemma. I need to go back to Home Depot before they close tonight to pick up some paint. Should I stop by Walmart and try my luck with the money tree?!! I think my ship may have come into port!

Life could certainly BE a beach with a money tree on the patio!


  1. Let us know what denominations it grows in! ;-)

    Isla Chica

  2. let us know how it grows, 'cause I may want to get one also.
    Love your blog & your writing style (& esp the photos). Thanks. -k

  3. Hi Beck,
    I dont see where I can private message you. But I dont know if you have been keeping up with the bridge collapse between PV and Bucherias. Well, there is more problems to the north that you should consider if you make those day trips. Here is a good link for more on that.

  4. I posted a photo of the fruits of the money tree on the Isla chatter board, so you could see. Instead of a whole bush, we took a short cut and just bought the dried flowers at Michaels.

  5. Linda, I'm hoping it's $1000 bills. K, thanks for the compliments!

    Chrissy, I did not know about the San Pancho bridge. The way I understand it, the bridge that collapsed in P.V. is south of the airport, so we can get north to Bucerias. And hopefully, there'll be a way to get to Puerto Vallarta and Yelapa. I'm sure they'll have water taxis. The last I read, they were talking about having that main Puerto Vallarta bridge open by Easter? I was hoping to explore all those little towns to the north of Bucerias, so we'll see. Thanks for that link! What a nightmare for the entire area! Hope the rain lets up soon!

    drgeo, I did go back last night, but bought a different tropical plant instead. I don't trust those claims Walmart makes! LOL
