Tuesday, September 14, 2010


When life hands you limes . . .

make sopa de lima!

In the midst of hacking back the tropical vegetation in our backyard on Saturday morning, I discovered the tiny fruit tree on the side of the house was full of limes! We had no luck last summer trying to grow tomatoes, but the stunted five-foot tree that's never thrived produced all of these and more. Craig thought at first they might be unripened lemons or oranges, but they're juicy limes!

In our original landscape, we were supposed to have a lime, lemon, and orange tree. Shortly after the trees were planted (I'm talking hours), the Phoenix area had two terrible weeks of overnight freezes. The three fruit trees limped along until the next spring when the Bumpuses drained their salt water pool into our side yard, killing half the shrubs and making the fruit trees look even more pitiful. Mrs. Bumpus didn't realize that saltwater kills shrubs (their other house is a farm?) or that the water would go under the wall? So four years later, we now know we have a grapefruit, lime, and ??? tree. Eventually, that third tree will reveal itself!

On a sidenote, we thought we heard movement (a Vette revving up) at the Bumpuses house on Saturday. Craig looked at me and said -- That can't be good! We haven't seen hide nor hair of the Bumpuses since they flew back to Washington State last March. Every so often, someone walking past stops and asks us if the house is a foreclosure because the Bellagio fountain (broken irrigation pipe) continues to spurt every evening at 7 p.m. and the weeds are now taller than the shrubs. We always tell the passerbys that it's not a foreclosure -- it's just the Bumpuses!

By the way, the sopa de lima was excellent! I'm so glad La Bruja shared their simple recipe in Ixchel's Kitchen. It's so easy to make, and I almost always have the ingredients in my cupboard (or on my tree)!


  1. That is so cool! Life did actually hand you limes. The soup looks wonderful. One of the few things I'm looking forward to about fall/winter weather is more cooking. That soup looks wonderful!

  2. That's great! We recently discovered that the "Meyers Lemon" tree we've been nursing along is really a lime, which explains why the "lemons" never turned yellow. So now we're looking for lime recipes.

    I love your blog--I read it almost every day. Keep up the good work.

    Kay Teeters

  3. What a pleasant surprise to have all those limes in your backyard. I want to try that soup, too!

  4. Congratulations. I have killed 4 or more lime trees. I give up. All my other citrus have survived my brown thumb.

  5. You have no idea how jealous I am. All I have here are wormy apples.
    Boo hoo!

  6. I realize now I should have posted the La Bruja recipe for those who don't have the cookbook. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow! I've tried more complicated recipes and still like Bruja's better, especially with the home-grown limes! When we were staying at Deep Blue on Isla, we chatted with an ex-pat who lives a few doors down and he told us La Bruja's sopa de lima was to die for, so we have him to thank for turning us onto it. When I heard the recipe was included in Ixchel's Kitchen, I couldn't wait to get my copy.

    Kay, that's really funny about the 'lemon tree.' I guess nurseries can't tell citrus trees apart either! In addition to the sopa de lima, I also have a margarita ice cream recipe that's easy and uses limes. Here's the link to the post -- www.lifewithbeck.blogspot.com/2010/02/my-kind-of-margarita.html. Craig mentioned tonight that he saw a photo of Mark when he was going through some old family photos this weekend.

  7. That soup looks AWESOME! I have never made it so definitely on my must try list.

    Don't suppose I could talk you in to bringing some down to Jana and I? :)


  8. Thanks for the margarita ice cream recipe. We haven't made any ice cream yet this summer--it's just been too cool in San Diego for that, but this may do it.

    Somewhere in our family photos we have a picture of half a dozen baby boomer kids on the sofa at Mark's first birthday party. I think Craig was the youngest because he's propped up against a pillow at the end of the sofa.


  9. Kay, I've got that photo! I always wondered whose birthday party it was. Craig looks pretty funny propped up in that sitting position! HA!

    MD, that soup's so easy, I could make it every night! Sorry I can't make the Texas bash this weekend. Maybe in a few years when Craig's retired, we'll just drive over for the bash!

  10. Mark is third from the left in that photo. The girl next to Craig is the daughter of some of artist friends of my folks and the other kids are neighbors, I think.

    I've also got a photo of Orvalee and me on the teeter-totter in our backyard and Mark and Craig marching around with toy rifles.

