Wednesday, September 15, 2010

La Bruja and the Soup!

Here's the sopa de lima recipe for readers who don't have the Ixchel's Kitchen cookbook. The book, Jana's project, was highly successful as a fundraiser for La Gloria English School on Isla Mujeres and sold out in a matter of weeks.

On a sidenote, the first time we went looking for La Bruja, we were staying out at the new Mar y Sol on the bayside. We set out on foot one night determined to find the restaurant. For some reason, I had it in my mind that the restaurant was close to L.G.E.S., when in actuality, it's not far from the Little Yellow Schoolhouse. So we ended up wandering. After walking all the way to L.G.E.S. and not finding it, I saw a man sitting on a corner curb. So I approached him to ask directions. I failed to notice that the man was falling down drunk. I don't speak Spanish -- he didn't speak English. After making gestures and repeating 'Donde es La Bruja' several times, he stumbled to his feet and lurched at me yelling 50 pesos! 50 pesos! Craig and I quickly moved away and el boracho followed in hot pursuit (not that hot since he was wobbling). He continued to yell 50 pesos with his hand out. LOL! We finally found La Bruja that night and it was closed, but the search was certainly memorable!

Here's the soup recipe!

Sopa de Lima from La Bruja Restaurant, Isla Mujeres

One tomato sliced in thin strips
1/2 white onion sliced
1/2 green bell pepper sliced
4 cups of chicken broth
Fried tortilla strips
2 limes
Cilantro to taste

Place the tomato, onion, green pepper, and chicken broth in a large pot. Then add the lime juice and a few slices of lime. Bring to boil and let simmer. The recipe says 10 minutes, but I probably let it simmer for a half hour. Add chopped cilantro and tortilla strip on the top.

I cheat and purchase chipotle lime tortilla strips on the salad dressing aisle. I also add diced avocado to the soup.

When we were staying out at Deep Blue in July, just a few blocks away from La Bruja, I was tempted to eat this soup every night! It tastes good here at home, but fantastic in the restaurant!


  1. Yum! That looks awesome. I cheat on the tortilla strips, too. I don't ever make my own. I hate to fry things. LOVE the avocado.

  2. That's one of the recipes I will be trying 1st! Love this soup & have it several times during the time we are on Isla
