Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sleeping Beauties

I learn something new everytime I'm at what we used to call the beauty parlor. It's that time sitting with a mag while I wait for the color to heat up (or whatever it does). I was thumbing through an old People and saw a blip on two women from Nebraska who take the most wonderful photos of babies. They're evidently the new Ann Geddes, and they have a wonderful coffee table book out called Sleeping Beauties. I particularly loved this photo since it's taken on a beach!

The babies are so amazingly cute and cuddly, it almost makes me want one. But I think I'd better stick with the dog since I can go off and leave her all day? Not to mention there's that age factor!


  1. Beautiful photo on the beach! Love it--hope they do well.

  2. Funny what we learn while reading office magazines. Cute pic!!

  3. Sue, I was just catching up on blogs and saw your good news! That's so exciting!
