Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'm Baaaaack!

Hopefully, I'm back to the blogger's brigade! The train pulled into the station at work last night. Actually, I got off the train one stop before the station. I had a throbbing headache behind my right eye and decided ten hours on my last day was enough! We were given the option of taking another round of qualification tests (same scenario as the last ones) in order to work a few extra days or bailing at the end of our current project. The choice was easy for me! I'd categorize myself as officially torched, so I seized the opportunity and turned in my timesheet!

We're having unseasonably cool weather in Phoenix right now and I have all the windows in the house open! Yesterday at lunch, we ate in the shade and I felt like I needed a jacket! It won't last, but I'm happy to be home now so I can enjoy it! I have my long and boring list of things to do. Number one is cleaning up around here and foraging for food!

Saby was SO happy to see me when I walked in the door last night! The girl had better start showing me some love, or I won't take her for her morning walk! : )


  1. I'm happy to have you back!!! Saby is just too adorable.

  2. I'm glad you survived, Beck.

  3. Glad to hear you made it through--almost to the end--have fun with Saby --will be awaiting lots of great blogs!
