Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Sun's Out!

Despite the dire predictions of constant rain all week, the sun is shining bright this morning. So why don't I feel sunny?

Number one reason -- we took Saby to the vet for a shot yesterday and she has a growth in her mouth. It could be melanoma and will need to be removed. I'm holding out hope that it's benign and simple (but not inexpensive) removal will do the trick. She'll have to be put under, so they'll clean her teeth while she's sleeping.

More bad economic news. Two more houses went on the market in the neighborhood this weekend. People I know. I don't know their story, but no one's electing to just sell houses on a whim now because prices have dropped massively in the last two years. The market is glutted with short sales and foreclosures.

We stopped at the Kwik Stop on Sunday to fill the tank. I heard a young mother in a mini-van chattering away to Craig at the pump. I asked him what that was about after he got back in the car. She was asking for change to help buy food for the baby because the food bank wouldn't be open until Tuesday. She was apologetic and said 75 cents would give her enough because everyone at the station had been chipping in. Now I have to admit, panhandling at gas stations is common here in the Phoenix area, but not in our neighborhood. But this woman didn't fit the profile. Craig gave her money and we both thought -- there but by the grace of God go I.

It's easy to forget when things have improved in your own household that there are still record numbers of people suffering in this area, country, and the world. Most of the guys Craig got to know in his networking meetings last year are still without jobs. Another acquaintance is thinking about letting her house go. It's depressing and makes me wonder how and when this country will ever climb out of this mess.

At least it's not raining! I'd better get out and seize the sun while it lasts!


  1. Beck, so sorry to hear about Saby. Burford my cat has had sevveral tumors removed from his mouth. All non cancerous. My vet said it can be common as an allergic reaction. I stopped feeding him out of plastic (and water too) and changed his diet to all protien and no grains. He has not had a tumor now in nearly 2 years.

  2. Oh, I hope Saby will be okay, Beck. And you are so right about how many people are struggling these days.

  3. Chrissy, I'm hoping Saby's tumor is just benign. And Vee, I think a lot of peoples' lives have changed in the past few years.
