Monday, January 18, 2010

Coming to Phoenix This Week!

Rain! They're predicting it will last all this week, so all those poor souls paying mega bucks to come to Scottsdale for the Barrett Jackson auto auction may need to stay under the tent! And scratch the loungers by the pool and golf games.

They started predicting it last week with warnings to get prepared with candles, batteries, sandbags, etc.... ?????????? I have candles and flashlights, but I doubt I'll need them. I also doubt we'll be needing Craig's hip-waders to walk the dog. Or the sandbags to build a moat.

I heard the sound of rain on the roof this morning at 7 a.m., but the rain's now turned to sprinkles. I guess every part of the country feels the need to dramatize the weather. If I'm wrong, do you think I can dial 911 for the Ark?

All that being said, a stack of books and DVD's might not be a bad idea. Lately I've been missing Seattle, so I guess Seattle is coming to me! : )


  1. Soup - check out Jana's blog for a yummy sounding potato soup recipe. Enjoy the change in the weather, Becky. We are certainly basking in the thaw here!

  2. Chrissy, it was a Pollo Loco burrito bowl day. And Vee, Jana's had some great recipes on there lately!
