Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Long Winter's Nap!

Mama in her kerchief, Papa in his cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter's nap.

What you can't see in this photo is Craig sleeping on that sofa and me lying on the other one. I'm not sure what happened to me, but I think the minute I was done taking the five day course of drugs, one of which was keeping my body awake and energetic -- I crashed! And now I'm trying to recapture all that lost sleep time. The weather the past two days has been overcast and stormy, so that also makes me want to hibernate. We had a whopper thunderstorm/downpour this afternoon, so Saby was anxiously hovering by me for reassurance. For a big hairy dog with a ferocious bark, she's really a wimp!

Craig gets off work at noon tomorrow and doesn't return until January 4, so he's looking forward to a long vacation. And we're both looking forward to Christmas and a road trip! : )


  1. I hope we get to go along on your road trip! Stop by if you're in Texas. ;) A very Merry Christmas to you, Craig and Saby. I'm sure Saby will get lots of doggie treats in her stocking!

  2. Jana, I'm off to the dentist this morning, and then Craig and I must go buy Saby's Christmas this afternoon! We're headed in the opposite direction to California beaches. Otherwise, I'd come camp on your doorstep! Feliz Navidad!

  3. Beck, I hope you are well in time to enjoy the holidays. Thanks for your almost daily postings. Your blog is terrific!

  4. Vee, Feliz Navidad to you! Hope it's a wonderful holiday for you, Tim, Kim and all the rest of your family!

  5. Can't wait to see pics, Beck. You know you're always welcome on my doorstep. You might wanna opt for the guestroom tho!
