Monday, December 21, 2009

A Few Sunday Pics

Ahhh. Feeling better! Craig and I ran errands and went for lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant, Casa Blanca. They're all decked out for Christmas. Once again, I forgot my camera, but was able to snap a few photos with my cellphone.

I decided to forego my standard chicken guacamole tostada in favorite of a chicken taco salad. It was good!

Their outdoor fireplace was decorated for Christmas. I love the Southwest look!

This is my favorite arrangement in the restaurant -- the peppermints!

I think I mentioned earlier this month that we might be able to take a little unplanned vacation at the end of the year. The sun, moon, and stars evidently are all in alignment. We're going to work in a little domestic beachcombing after Christmas! I'm so excited! So I not only have Christmas to look forward to, but also a little relaxing break! Woo hooooo!


  1. I LOVE that fireplace....would love to have it in our backyard!

  2. That taco salad looks great! Glad you'll be able to take another break the end of the month. (I'm sitting in the San Antonio airport as I write this, taking advantage of the free WIFI.)

  3. Deb, have a wonderful trip! Can't wait to see your photos and hear about it! : )

    And Donna, wish I had that fireplace in my backyard too!
