Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunny Saturday

We're so bad. After a morning of trimming shrubs and getting the yard ready for winter, we ended up out at Joe's Farm Grill yesterday and ate those big tasty burgers and fries. It was a beautiful sunny day and we sat in the sun at a picnic table outside. The weather was just right. Temps in the lo 70's, and not a cloud in the sky.


It's scooter weather again! Saw this cute little Vespa in the parking lot.

We took a walk around after eating. I think these are grapevines?

And snapdragons, which reminded me it's time to get some annuals planted. On the way home, we visited Home Depot and picked up some geraniums, ferns, and petunias. It always seems so out of whack to me that I'm planting my annuals down here in Arizona when the snow's starting to fall in other places. I got some red petunias for Christmas!


  1. Our weather & yours was close yesterday--it was up to 60 here! That doesn't happen to often!

  2. Man, those burgers look great! It's been really pleasant here in South Texas, too. No flower planting for me, though!

  3. Gorgeous day in Niagara! Sunny and 60F makes me smile!

  4. Sounds like everyone is getting great fall weather! Sun does make you smile! : )
