Saturday, November 21, 2009

Bon Voyage MD!

You're almost there! Bet you can't wait

to chill out on that balcony

catch a sunrise

relish in those beautiful sunsets

from high in the sky

plunder the seaglass bootie

drink a cold beer on the docks

taste the shrimp tacos at Mocambo

and just be!

Here's to a glorious vacation on Isla! Wish I was there!

Who's kidding? We ALL wish we were there!


  1. Awesome post, Beck! If I didn't love M & D so much, I'd be insanely jealous. As it is, I'm just jealous. I hope they bring me some shrimp tacos from Ballyhoo.

  2. Jana, it's hard not to be insanely jealous after you've experienced that crib of theirs! Damn! It's HEAVEN!

  3. I am totally jealous! Great post!

  4. Love this post, Beck! I also wish M&D a wonderful holiday at their island home. Looks as if they have much to be thankful for!

  5. WOW!!! My very own blog post!!

    I feel special!

    But I have to say that those pictures are killing me.....killer views, Mocambo's awesome food, a cold Sol, sea glass!!

    We leave Monday morning and finished packing up all the supplies we are taking down today, so tomorrow is personal packing and watching football!

    Jana, don't be jealous, I will try to smuggle back some tacos for ya!

  6. MD, hope your trip is fabulous! I'm wondering if you'll be eating Vivian's Thanksgiving dinner? Can't wait to hear about your trip when you get back!
