Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Rain Out!

I awoke pre-dawn on Wednesday morning to a thundering storm. Literally, before I heard it, I was seeing lightning flashes every few seconds in the room with the drapes closed. I thought I was having problems with my eyes again! Then I heard the deafening crashes and was relieved it wasn't my eyesight going. Now I'm not complaining because I love rain! And I think I'm going to get an entire day of it. Notice how angry the sea looks!

What does one do on Isla on a rainy day? About mid-morning, I decided my whites had to go to Tim Pho, so when the sky appeared to be clearing, I set out dodging deep puddles all the way. And as always, I saw people wading in the water sans shoes. People! There's dog crap and other assorted evils all over that street and it melts when it rains! I headed to Juarez because of the high sidewalks. And, as always, I saw photos I couldn't resist taking.

After dropping the clothes at Tim Pho, I decided I should eat something for breakfast. I had originally thought I'd head to Manana, but one look at the sky and I decided on Cafe Cito. I hadn't eaten there in years, but it was shelter from the storm.

Sure enough, I'd only been in there moments when the deluge started again. Holy cow! Nothing like a tropical downpour.

I ordered the ham, cheese, and tomato baked baguette. Pretty good, but it needed some sauce or mayo. But I suppose that's an American's point of view.

The deluge even intensified, which made me very happy to be on the inside looking out!

After I finished eating, the rain let up. Fidel passed by, saw me inside, and stopped to sell me a USA Today.

By the way, ever heard the rumor that someone's ashes are mixed up with the sand under glass in one of these tables? By this time, the deluge had evolved into a little dribble, so I paid the tab and headed back down Juarez.

Dodging puddles, motos, and cabs spraying water, I noticed some photos I may have missed in my haste to get out of the rain!

Back at the room, the deluge began again. And the day got even lazier. No walks, swims, or seaglass hunts. Just a nap listening to the sounds of crashing waves. Just another rainy day in paradise! Ahhhhhhhh.

P.S. It started raining HARD again around 5:30 p.m. and poured for an hour. And now, it's thundering and pouring again! God is dropping potatoes in the bin tonight! Oh boy! Excitement for a girl from Phoenix! : )


  1. Quite a storm--but look on the bright side--there should be lots of shells & sea glass to gather today!

  2. Sometimes one needs a rainy day to force them to stay in and rest up.

  3. By the way you may want to keep an eye out for Tropical Storm Ida. Looks like she is heading your way from the south.

  4. I thought we might get some rain last night, even smelled like it. But, only virga. It was nice to see some clouds although.

  5. As long as you have food and a flashlight, you should be cozy. I hope it clears up before you leave, although it's not looking good. But you sound like you're having fun anyway!

  6. Sue, I actually don't have a flashlight. Maybe I'll see if they've got some candles downstairs. And Ann, I hope I get the chance to look for seaglass and shells afterwards. The tide's up over where I normally beachcomb right now. Looks to me like I'm not going to avoid Ida because I highly doubt planes will be landing and taking off on Sunday afternoon unless Ida changes her path or slows down.
