Friday, November 6, 2009

Another Stormy Night

The wind's picking up tonight and howling up here on the hill. We had power outages last night, so I wonder what's in store for tonight? Today was spent catching up with old friends, walking the beaches, and picking up seaglass. Breakfast at M&J's where the cazuela ended up on my t-shirt, a late lunch of guacamole at Mocambo, and dinner at Mama Rosa's. Chucho was playing at the Argentina Grill again tonight, and Javi was getting ready to play at Fayne's, but I was too tired to stay up for the music. Maybe tomorrow night!

I'm hoping Ida will dissipate and lose steam over Nicaragua. It rained lightly a few times today, but the air was cooler, breezy, and quite enjoyable. But I have to say, the hammock on the balcony is rocking tonight! And the sea is crashing against those new rock barriers behind the seawall. Surf's up! Grab your boards?

Despite the stormy gray skies, I wanted to share some of the colorful photos from my day.


  1. Stay safe! How many more days are you there? Bet you're getting lots of seaglass!

  2. Ann, I'm supposed to fly home Sunday? If Ida continues on its path, I'm guessing that plane won't come into Cancun on Sunday. I'm keeping an eye out.

  3. Nice to find such color on such gray days! It was nice seeing you at Miguel's and thanks for the domino necklace and sea glass!

  4. Great photos Beck! I'm glad you're not afraid of storms. I'd be flipping out on a stormy night.

  5. More great photos! Hope you don't have trouble getting out of there with the storm!

  6. Sure would suck to be stuck there during a storm. (Not really as long as it's mild) Grab a bottle, hunker down and pray for daylight.

  7. I guess I won't worry about what I cannot change. I think the hotel will let me know if I need to move, but the surf is pretty spectacular from my perch. In a tropical storm, I'd certainly choose being stuck on Isla rather than in Cancun. Had a chicken enchilada mole at Sancochos for lunch. Wish I'd ordered two!

  8. P.S. I don't drink, but there's a large bottle of Corralejo sitting here for my son. Maybe if I get scared enough, I'll go find some limes. : )

  9. Beck - let me know if you want to go and stay at the house. If you've never been through this before, it can be very scary, especially right there at the edge of the sea. Either that or maybe move to a hotel inside town, where you have some wind protection. I wish I was there, Miguel is going to have his hands full. I'm due to arrive Sunday afternoon right at the time it should be right over us - probably will get delayed.

    If you comment on any of my blog posts I'll get your email. Stay happy!
