Sunday, October 4, 2009

Work Weekend

Sorry I haven't posted, but we've been busy working! We had lots of projects this weekend we wanted to get finished. One of the most bizarre aspects about living in Arizona is that if you want to have green grass in the 'winter', you have to tear up the bermuda and overseed with rye. We swore we wouldn't have any grass when we moved here, but the house we found was on a main circle in the neighborhood where all houses are required to have grass lawns in the front.

The first time someone told me that grass had to be torn up and overseeded every fall, I thought they were crazy! I just assumed the grass would automatically be green year-round since it's paradise! The problem would be that bermuda type grasses are the only ones that make it through the extreme heat of the summer here, and those grasses go dormant in the winter time. So Craig took on the overseeding of the front yard yesterday, and I tamed the jungle we call our backyard! I won't show any photos of the overseeding because it's ugly! And it'll be ugly for two to three weeks!

Before I forget, Craig finished the Adirondack project. We really like how they turned out!

Saby gets so overwhelmed just thinking about all the work we're doing -- she zonks out. She doesn't seem to mind sleeping wrapped in that big fur coat.

I trimmed up all the shrubs, washed down patios, brushed the pool -- ugh. Am I leaving anything out? I did forget -- I replanted a pot or two and I'm still not finished with all of that!

The torchglow bouganvillea are really pretty right now. All the shrubs are coming back with the cooler 90 degree temps.

After I finished working, I went into the house and found my Bengue from the supermercado on Isla. It has naproxen in it and really works. I'm going to buy multiple tubes of that stuff when I'm on Isla. I don't think it's been approved in the U.S. yet.

Which reminds me! Three weeks from this morning, we'll be waking up to one of these beautiful Caribe vistas! (If you can't tell, the excitement is mounting!)

After all the work, I took a swim in the pool yesterday. We've had it covered, so the temperature was still 88 degrees. Wonderful!

Last night, some friends who live in a retirement community 30 minutes out of town invited us and another couple for dinner. Their neighborhood has canal/lakes that wind between the houses, so we sat outside on their patio watching the sunset with the water and palms as a backdrop. It was beautiful!

The minute we got home, my head hit the pillow and I was sound asleep for the entire night.

We still have some chores for today, but I'm planning on working in some fun. After all -- all work and no play . . . .


  1. Dont foget to add piles of chicken crap to the grass. All of Scottsdale smells like a ranachito.

  2. You have a beautiful garden, Beck, but I don't envy you all that work. Been there, done that. If I decide to buy again, any future house will have a very tiny yard, that's for sure. I love the chairs!

  3. Chrissy, so THAT'S what I'm smelling! We always just use starter fertilizer, but that explains what I'm smelling on bike rides.

    Deb, it is a LOT of work! We planted tropical type landscaping. Craig said next house, it's all desert and cacti! (Of course, we said that this time!)

  4. Looks good, Beck. Your efforts have paid off. Wish you'd had your camera with you yesterday evening!

  5. Beck, watch the phophate levels in the pool. With this wind and all the chicken crap flying in the air, you pool can turn green over night. You might want to get some phosphate buster at the pool store just in case.

  6. Will do Chrissy. And I stand corrected on the smell. Ours DOES stink! The manure's in the dirt prep stuff you lay on top the yard!

    Vee, I really wish I'd had my camera last night. The view was great!

  7. Beautful yard, Becky! The weather was great here yesterday too--we sat outside with friends all afternoon at a pig roast! But missed a fish fry on Sat. because it poured all day! the weeks will fly by for your trip--are you packed yet?

  8. No packing yet Ann! Down here in Arizona, I'm still wearing the same clothes I'll take to Isla. But I should start a little pile of the extras I don't want to forget.

  9. I'm exhausted just reading the blog little alone doing all this work. That whole yard thing sounds like quite a pain. Who knew.
