Monday, October 5, 2009

Book Race

Sometimes I feel like Lucy in the Chocolate Factory when it comes to books. I reserve books online from the public library and often, all five holds become available at the same time. The checkout period is only three weeks. Since all but one of these books are new popular titles, I won't be able to renew. So I'm once again in a race to read all of them in three weeks.

I started Change in Altitude, by Anita Shreve, first and it's a page turner! It's about a young American couple from Boston who marry and move to Kenya on a one year adventure. The book revolves around a tragic accident that occurs on a mountain climb and how that alters their lives. I'm having a hard time putting the book down to go to sleep at night!

I think I'll have to spend quite a few afternoons at home reading if I'm going to finish this entire stack by October 22! Too bad I won't be able to tuck one of them in my bag for the trip to Isla!


  1. Ah, I see you got Where the Heart is, you will love it. Maybe renew it and take it with you to Isla. I am still waiting for Phoenix Library to find the first one she wrote. They have misfiled it. I doubt they will find it anytime soon and my Scottsdale library does not carry it. Oh well, I will get my hands on a copy someday.

  2. Chrissy, I had to get Where the Heart Is through the interlibrary loan system. I'll have to check again, but I think the woman at the library told me there were no renewals on those, and the fine is $1.00 a day for overdue books! Chandler has a couple of pieces of juvenile fiction by her, but that's it.

  3. That's quite a pile! I haven't found anything at the library recently that I wanted to read! Will have to look for some of those.

  4. Sounds like you have your reading cut out for you. Wow Oct 22 is right around the corner. I'm sure your not excited yet are ya?

  5. Beck, I rent audio books from the library, and the same thing happened to me last week - three became available at once. I can't figure out how, b/c I was something like 42 on the list for one of them, and 15 or so for another. Good luck!

  6. Bennie, we're actually leaving the 24th -- the books are just due the 22th! But yes, I AM excited! Time's flying by!

    Ann, you might want to check out the Anita Shreve book if you like her. It's good!

    And Vee, when we lived in Bellevue, WA, the library's reserve system let you put holds in your queue on standby just so you didn't get a bunch of books at once (or when you were out of town). Their software doesn't do that here.
